August 2023
Deniz receives a RosettaCommons award for her leadership in teaching and mentoring.
August 2023
Lu starts a new position as Research Scientist at AbCellera.
May 2023
Jon wins a 2023 Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation.
April 2023
Radhika is awarded an NSF graduate research fellowship.
July 2022
Cody starts a new position as Senior Scientist at Evercrisp.
June 2022
Chris and Cody graduate.
June 2022
Our work on computational design of ligand binding proteins and GTPases is funded by an R35 MIRA grant from the NIH.
April 2022
Deniz and Ben are awarded NSF graduate research fellowships.
February 2022
Ben O. wins a 2022 Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation.
January 2022
Anum starts her own lab as Assistant Professor at Columbia University.
January 2022
Tanja is selected as a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator for another 5 years.
January 2022
Simon is awarded a Li Foundation Endowed Fellowship.
December 2021
Our work on deep learning for protein design is funded by a grant from the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research, in collaboration with Mike Keiser.
November 2021
Ben J. starts a new position as Principal Scientist at Evercrisp Biosciences.
October 2021
Ben O. receives the Herbert Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Student Excellence Award.
September 2021
Amy is named a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
July 2021
Rob receives an Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship
July 2021
Simon receives a Postdoctoral Independent Research Grant from the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research
July 2021
Tina starts her own lab as Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich.
June 2021
Dom is awarded an ARCS graduate student fellowship.
December 2020
Chris is invited to speak at the 2021 St. Jude National Graduate Student Symposium.
December 2020
XingJie graduates.
June 2020
Samuel graduates.
May 2020
Our work on de novo design principles of proteins and small molecule sensors is funded by a grant from the NIH.
April 2020
Our design work blocking SARS-CoV-2 is funded by the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research
March 2020
James graduates
March 2020
Anum receives a K99 award from the NIH.
October 2019
Chris receives a Best Poster Award at the 2019 QBC Retreat.
July 2019
Our de novo design work receives funding from the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research
April 2019
Amanda graduates.
October 2018
Chris is named a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
October 2018
Samuel receives a Best Poster Award at the 2018 QBC Retreat.
June 2018
Samuel receives a Best Talk Award at Protein Engineering Canada 2018.
June 2018
Kale graduates.
May 2018
Anum is awarded the inaugural Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship at UCSF.
November 2017
Samuel receives the Dr. Herbert Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Student Excellence Award.
November 2017
Pradeep graduates.
November 2017
Xingjie is named a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
October 2017
Anum is awarded a UCSF IRACDA fellowship.
August 2017
Kyle graduates.
June 2017
Samuel receives the Mel Jones Excellence in Graduate Student Research Award.
February 2017
Tanja is selected as a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator.
August 2016
Samuel's project for multi-state design and high-throughput screening of functional proteins is funded by a grant from the NSF.
April 2016
Our project to generate biosensors for small molecules is funded by a grant from the NIH.
January 2016
Tina's work on yeast protein interaction networks is funded by a grant from the NIH.
April 2015
James is awarded a NSF graduate research fellowship while at UC Davis.
February 2015
Noah graduates.
September 2014
Amanda's 90-second video, "A generalized strategy for engineering biological sense/response pairs," wins 3rd place in the 2014 Synberc Perfect Pitch Contest.
April 2014
Samuel is awarded a NSF graduate research fellowship.
August 2013
Ryan graduates.
June 2013
Samuel is awarded the UCSF Chuan Lyu Fellowship.
November 2012
Our biosensor project wins first prize in Gen9's inaugural G-Prize contest.
July 2012
Dan's work on engineering molecular machines is funded by a grant from the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research.
July 2012
Matt's paper on cost / benefit tradeoffs in the lac operon is highlighted by Faculty of 1000.
June 2012
Kyle is awarded an ARCS graduate student fellowship.
December 2011
Rich graduates.
September 2011
Ryan’s work on engineering light-controlled cadherins is funded by a grant from the NSF.
August 2011
A new project on quantifying systems-level protein interaction specificity is funded by the NIH, in collaboration with Nevan Krogan’s group.
July 2011
Colin graduates.
July 2011
Noah’s abstract is selected for a talk at the “Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics” ISMB meeting in Vienna.
June 2011
Laurens is awarded an ARCS graduate student fellowship.
June 2011
Amelie is awarded an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship.
March 2011
Dan's work on engineering small molecule biosensors is funded by a grant from the NIH.
February 2011
Dan is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the German Research Foundation.
September 2010
Colin's paper on specificity prediction is highlighted by Faculty of 1000.
September 2010
Ryan receives the Mel Jones Excellence in Graduate Student Research Award.
June 2010
Dan receives the Julius R. Krevans Distinguished Dissertation Award.
June 2010
Dan graduates.
May 2010
Matt graduates.
October 2009
Elisabeth graduates.
August 2009
The NSF "Emerging Frontiers" program awards our lab an ARRA research grant to improve and disseminate molecular modeling and prediction methods for the characterization and redesign of interactions between proteins, building on Florian's webserver work.
April 2009
Noah is awarded a NSF graduate research fellowship.
January 2009
The UC Office of the President awards our lab in collaboration with Charlie Strauss at LANL a UC Lab Research Grant on "New algorithms for computational design of protein biosensors". Our lab's contribution builds on Dan and Vageli's work on kinematic loop closure methods.
January 2009
Dan is awarded a PhRMA Foundation predoctoral fellowship in informatics.
December 2008
Greg F. graduates.
July 2008
Ryan is awarded a UCSF HHMI/NIBIB fellowship.
July 2008
Noah is awarded a UCSF HHMI/NIBIB fellowship.
June 2008
Rich is awarded a Kozloff graduate fellowship.
March 2008
Tanja receives an NSF CAREER award.
July 2007
Rich is awarded an iPQB fellowship in complex biological systems.
April 2007
Colin is awarded graduate student fellowships from Genentech, NSF, and DOD.
October 2006
Dan and Elisabeth are recipients of the UCSF/UC Berkeley Nanosciences and Biology Student Award.
August 2006
Elisabeth is awarded a Genentech/Sandler graduate student fellowship.
July 2006
Matt's work on quantifying how alternative mechanisms of protein evolution shape organism fitness is funded by a grant from the Sandler Program in Basic Sciences.
June 2006
Dan is awarded an ARCS graduate student fellowship.
September 2005
Cristina's and Greg K.'s work on engineering protein interaction modules is funded by an NIH grant on "Engineering Cellular Control: Synthetic Signaling and Motility Systems", headed by Wendell Lim and in collaboration with labs at UCSF and UC Berkeley. Our group will be leading the "molecular tool kit" platform of the center.
September 2005
Wah Chiu's NIH nanomedicine grant "Center for Protein Folding Machinery" is funded. Dan's work on developing methods for flexible backbone protein design and engineering "protein adaptors" will be part of the computational core of the center, in collaboration with Judith Frydman and Vijay Pande (Stanford University), and Andrej Sali.
May 2005
Greg F. is awarded a NSF graduate research fellowship.
February 2005
Tanja is named an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow in Molecular Biology.